RFC 2350 Teaminfo (English) Document Information This document provides basic information about CERT NRW, its channels of communication and its roles and responsibilities according to RFC 2350[1]. 2 Contact Information 2.1 Name of the Team Computer Emergency Response Team of the public administration of the federal state North Rhine-Westfalia; shortname: CERT NRW 2.2 Address Landesbetrieb Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen T1-4, CERT NRW Postfach 10 11 05 40002 Duesseldorf Germany 2.3 Time Zone Europe/Berlin, GMT+1 and Europe/Berlin, GMT+2 acc. §2 SoZV from last Sunday in March through last Sunday in October 2.4 Telephone Number +49-211-9449-2124 2.5 Facsimile Number +49-211-9449-8884 2.6 Electronic Mail Address cert@it.nrw.de 2.7 Public Keys and Encryption Information Encryption is recommended for exchange of sensitive information. Team PGP Key ID: F0C9 0491 2ED1 E463 Fingerprint: FB02 EA19 60C3 AA5B C168 00D2 F0C9 0491 2ED1 E463 2.8 World Wide Web https://www.cert.nrw.de 2.9 Team Members The team is made up of experts in various domains of information security like pentesting, network security monitoring, digital forensics and incident handling/response. All team members are employed by IT.NRW. 2.10 Hours of operation Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 17:00. 3 Charter 3.1 Mission Statement CERT NRW’s mission is to support the public administration of North Rhine-Westfalia prevent, protect and defend against intentional and malicious attacks that would harm or hamper the confidentiality, integrity or availabilty of their information or information technology assets as well as to assist investigations of information security incidents. 3.2 Constituency The constituency of CERT NRW is composed of all ministries, supreme federal state authorities and associated public service offices/agencies of the state administration excluding municipal administrations. 3.3 Domains and IP Ranges AS 43066 IPv4 Range - Domain *.nrw.de 3.4 Responsibilities and Competences In addition to providing below listed services CERT NRW is authorised to probe and examine systems, software, websites and other internet services within above IP range and additional agreed on scopes (in writing) for vulnerabilities and security weaknesses and to monitor network boundaries in said scopes for attacks, breaches and other threats for information security, as well as collect and in case of an indication/alert to record data needed for further investigation. 4 Services CERT NRW supports the CISO of the federal state government of NRW and provides various services to its constituency. 4.1 Basic Services The following basic services are provided to our constituency: threat analysis / threat intelligence threat information, warning and alerting service incident handling & response cooperation with security teams of other public administrations and private industry consultancy and guidance for operational information security (opsec) 4.2 Extended Services intrusion-/breach-detection, network security monitoring vulnerability scans penetration testing information security incident analysis and digital forensic investigations education and training 5 Co-operation and Disclosure of Information CERT NRW ist member of the German Verwaltungs-CERT-Verbund (VCV) and Deutscher CERT-Verbund (CV). The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is also member of Alliance for Cyber Security (Allianz für Cybersicherheit) We handle sensitive information with great care and in adherence to TLP or other applicable classification schemes. Disclosure of vulnerability information is handled according to our responsible disclosure policy published on our website. 6 Incident Reporting In order to accurately handle incidents we need at least the following information in an incident report: Who is reporting? (name, surname, functional role, organisation, postal address, telephone number, email address) Where did it happen / where was it detected, by whom? (organisation, organisational unit, network segment, means of detection) type of report (initial report, follow up or closing report) what damages occurred or are imminent severity of occurred or imminent damages urgency technical description of what happened, when it happened, when it was detected, how was it detected, which countermeasures have already been initiated technical description of impact and effects that occurred or are imminent CERT NRW provides an incident reporting form for its constituency on our intranet site. [1] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2350.txt